Scroll down to view the details and results of each ALFA Sahel webinar themes.
ALFA Sahel Webinar 1: Current and future trends and impacts for climate resilient and secure livelihoods and landscapes in the Sahel, April 2020
This webinar explored the current and future trends that impact on climate resilient and secure livelihoods and landscapes and their implications.
Keynote Presentations:
- Presentation 1: Trends in Sahel livelihoods and natural resource management.
Click here for the presentation, and the background paper. - Presentation 2 : Overview of past and future climate change trends and impacts, what does the science say?
Click here for the presentation and here for the source paper.
Participants discussed the following questions:
- In what ways does climate change impact on different livelihood groups and the ecosystems they depend on in the Sahel?
- What are the most important issues / challenges for long term climate resilience that practitioners, researchers and policy makers should be considering in the Sahel?
ALFA Sahel Webinar 2: Natural resource governance for climate resilience and conflict management, June 2020
Webinar 2 explored the role and requirements of natural resource governance, particularly at the local level, in strengthening resilience and reducing conflict among farmers and pastoralists in the Sahel, with two keynote presentations:
Keynote Presentations:
- Presentation 1: Governance of natural resource use among pastoralists and farmers in Tarka Valley, Niger. Click here for the presentation.
- Presentation 2 : Governance of natural resources, transhumance and conflicts at the borders of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger. Click here for the presentation.
Participants discussed the following questions:
- Share your experiences of how formal and informal NR management and governance systems are driving access, use, control and competition over natural resources for farmers, agro-pastoralists and pastoralists.
- How is climate change impacting the effectiveness of these governance systems?
- Discuss how NR governance systems could change to better promote inclusive and climate resilient natural resource management among farmers and pastoralists?
ALFA Sahel Webinar 3: Inclusive climate services approaches for resilience in the Sahel, July 2020
The third webinar showcased three climate services, for short-term, seasonal, and long-term decision making respectively. Participants explored how these approaches integrate issues of inclusion, equality and land use dynamics to better inform decision-making and planning among farmers and pastoralists.
Webinar Presentations:
- Presentation 1: Early warning information for climate smart livelihood management in Mali. Presentation here
- Presentation 2: Participatory Scenario Planning for seasonal forecasts in Niger. Presentation here and source document here
- Presentation 3: The different priorities of the actors involved in the climate change adaptation decisions: the Forum Theater approach in Senegal. Presentation here and the video link of the forum on the theater forum here. The participants had the opportunity to actively interact with the Theater Forum approach.
Participants discussed the following questions:
- How could climate information services promote greater inclusion of farmers and pastoralists in adaptation decision making?
- How should we change our own practices on these issues to be more inclusive?
ALFA Sahel Webinar 4: Gender Justice and Resilience in the Sahel, October 2020
Webinar N ° 4 allowed participants to explore why gender justice is fundamental in building resilience and share their experiences of mainstreaming gender in resilience projects.
Presentation 1: Why is gender justice fundamental in building resilience? Presentation here. The first presentation in the form of a quiz made it possible to deconstruct some myths about gender and to clarify the links between climate resilience and gender inequalities.
Sub-group discussions: After the first presentation, participants were able to discuss in groups the following three questions:
1. Why do men, women, young men, young women, child boys and child girls experience climate risks differently?
2. Are all women affected in the same way by the impacts of climate change? Yes? No? Why?
3. What strategies do you use in your adaptation planning and resilience-building work to address the discrimination faced in particular by women and girls and promote gender justice? Sharing experiences on what worked.
Methodology presentations: Finally, in order to complement the discussions that took place in the sub-groups, in particular with regard to question 3, several tools for integrating gender into approaches aimed at strengthening climate resilience were presented.
Presentation 2: The virtues of the VRA (Vulnerability and Risk Assessment) method for capturing vulnerabilities differentiated by gender. Presentation here.
Presentation 3: Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation Capacity Analysis (CVCA) and Gender Equality Tool Presentation here. CVCA Handbook here
Presentation 4: Social Analysis and Action tool (SAA) to change social standards Presentation here. SAA Manual here.